

Behind the Service chats with Mary Elaine Baker, president and co-founder of VAUSA, a military spouse and veteran-owned boutique business that provides virtual administrative and marketing solutions for business owners and entrepreneurs who are task saturated. Mary Elaine became a military spouse when she married her husband Brett in 2013. Recognizing the untapped potential of […]

Behind the Service Podcast – with Mary Elaine Baker


behind the service

Trying to navigate a career as a military spouse is tough! But having your own thing is possible! In today’s episode, we chat with Mary Elaine Baker, a military spouse veteran who chose to leave her teaching career for a better work-life balance. She became a virtual assistant and eventually created VAUSA, a company that […]

The MilSpouse Mastermind Podcast – How To Find Time Freedom & Flexibility as a Military Spouse

Media, Remote Work

In this episode, Mary Elaine speaks to how to better market yourself as a military spouse, how the shift to remote work is beneficial for spouses, as well as how her company VAUSA aims to provide opportunities for spouses. Call to Marriage TRANSCRIPTION Callie: In this episode of Call to Marriage, I speak with Mary […]

Call to Marriage Podcast – Marketing Yourself as a Military Spouse


Email is both an essential business tool and a burden if not actively managed. Left unattended, inboxes have a way of filling up with both important messages and spam. Oftentimes when clients come to us, they’ve completely given up on managing their email because it has gotten so full and disorganized that they don’t know […]

How to Manage Your Email Effectively

Business, Remote Work, VAUSA

“There’s just not enough time in the day” is a common phrase heard in many households, especially this past year. Thanks to stay-at-home orders, schools teaching virtually, and businesses relying on remote workers, only so many tasks can fit into each day. While the extra time with our families has been a (mostly) welcome side […]

Delegation: Five Tasks You Can Hand Off To Your Virtual Assistant Today

Business, Remote Work, VAUSA


During the summer of 2020 Erin had her first baby. Her desire to stay home with Violet and watch her grow grew stronger with each passing day. Erin looked high and low for the perfect “work from home” career.  While scrolling through Facebook one day Erin noticed an ad that her friend had reposted about […]

A Day in the Life of Erin – Virtual Assistant to a Beekeeper

Business, Remote Work, VAUSA

virtual assistant

Balance: to bring into harmony or proportion. Isn’t that what we all strive for in our lives? I’m fortunate to be a work-at-home mom, and I’d like to share with you a little about how I got here and some tips for creating work-life balance. It’s important to note that achieving balance between work and […]

Creating Work-Life Balance as a Work-at-Home-Mom

Remote Work, VAUSA

In 2017 Ivy married her soldier and shortly thereafter graduated from college. Proud to start her shiny new office job right out of school, her husband promptly deployed on just her third day of employment. Ivy quickly faced career conflicts most 22-year-olds don’t have to worry about. Needing time off from work during orientation to […]

A Day in the Life of Virtual Assistant, Ivy

Remote Work, VAUSA

virtual assistant

Showing members of your team that you appreciate their contributions is smart business, and it doesn’t have to be limited to big events and achievements. Studies show that recognition helps keep retention rates low, while keeping enthusiasm and energy on the job high.  Having trouble coming up with ways to show appreciation? We’re happy to […]

Building a Healthy Organizational Culture by Showing Appreciation

Business, Remote Work, VAUSA


Most of us are on our computers daily, especially if you are working from home. Whether you are writing, editing photos, creating presentations, or simply shopping online it’s bound to happen. Your desktop may look like your toddler got a hold of your mouse when you weren’t looking and decided to drag every file out […]

How to Declutter Your Computer and Keep It That Way

Business, Remote Work, VAUSA


delegation exercise

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